Ganesha Pancharatnam

Ganesha Pancharatnam

Mudakaraatha Modakam Sada Vimukti Saadhakam
Kalaadharaavatamsakam Vilasiloka Rakshakam
Anaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha Daityakam
Nataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam.

Meaning: I bow to Lord Vinayaka joyfully modaka holds in His hand, which gives salvation, bringing the moon as a crown on his head, which is the only leader of those who are lost in the world. The head of the hierarchy that destroyed the demon called the elephant Gajaasura and which rapidly destroys the sins of those who prostrate themselves before Him, I love such a Lord Ganesh.

Natetaraati Bheekaram Navoditaarka Bhaasvaram

Namat Suraari Nirjanam Nataadhi Kaapa Duddharam
Suresvaram Nidheesvaram Gajesvaram Ganeshvaram
Mahesvaram Samaasraye Paraatparam Nirantaram.

Meaning: I meditate eternally on Him, the Lord of the Ganas, who is frightening to those not devoted, who shines like the morning sun, to whom all the Gods and demons bow, who removes the great distress of His devotees and who is the best among the best.

Samasta Loka Samkaram Nirasta Daitya Kunjaram

Daredarodaram Varam Vare Bhavaktra Maksharam
Krupaakaram Kshamaakaram Mudaakaram Yasaskaram
Manaskaram Namaskrutaam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram.

Meaning: I worship with all my mind to the brilliant Ganapati who brings happiness to all worlds, who destroyed the demon Gajasura, which has a big belly, beautiful elephant face, which is immortal, which gives mercy, forgiveness and happiness to those who bow to Him and giving glory and a willing mind.

Akimchanaarti Marjanam Chirantanokti Bhaajanam

Puraari Poorva Nandanam Suraari Garva Charvanam
Prapancha Naasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi Bhushanam
Kapola Daana Vaaranam Bhajaey Puraana Vaaranam.

Meaning: I serve the God ancient elephant who destroyed the pain of the poor, which is the abode of Aum, who is the first son of Shiva (Shiva is the destroyer of the triple cities), which destroys the pride of the enemies of the Gods, which is scary to watch during the time of the destruction of the world, which is as fierce as a rutting elephant and Dhananjaya and bringing other snakes its ornaments.

Nitaantikaanta Dantakaanti Mantakaanta Kaatmajam
Achintya Rupa Mantaheena Mantaraaya Krintanam
Hrudantarey Nirantaram Vasantameva Yoginam
Tameka Danta Meva Tam Vichintayaami Santatam.

Meaning: I constantly reflect on this one God only tusked, whose brilliant defense is very beautiful, who is the son of Shiva (Shiva, the god of destruction), whose form is immortal and unknowable, that rips all obstacles, and who still lives in the hearts of the yogis.

Mahaaganesa Pancharatnam Aadarena Yonvaham

Prajapati Prabhaatake Hrudi Smaran Ganesvaram
Arogatham Adoshataam Susaahitim Suputrataam
Samaahitaayu Rastabhootim Abhyupaiti Sochiraat.

Meaning: Whoever recites every morning with devotion, these five gems about Lord Ganapati and remembers in his heart the great Ganesha, will soon have a healthy life free of defects, will reach learning, noble son, long life is calm and pleasant and will be equipped with the spiritual and material prosperity.


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