Sri Durga Chalisa:


या देवी सर्वभुतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता ।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥

Yaa Devii Sarvabhutessu Maatrruupenna Samsthitaa |

Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah ||

Durga Chalisa

Meaning: To that Devi, Who Abides in All Beings in the Form of Mother.
Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

- 1 -

नमो नमो दुर्गे सुख करनी ।
नमो नमो अम्बे दुःख हरनी ॥

Namo Namo Durge Sukha Karanii |

Namo Namo Ambe Duhkha Haranii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You Bestow Happiness to all.I Salute You, O Mother Amba, You End all Miseries.

- 2 -

निराकार है ज्योति तुम्हारी ।
तिहूं लोक फैली उजियारी ॥

Niraakaara Hai Jyoti Tumhaarii |

Tihun Lok Phail Ujiyaarii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, (O Mother Durga), Your Radiance is Limitless and You Illumine all the Three Worlds (Earth, Heaven And the World).

- 3 -

शशि ललाट मुख महाविशाला ।
नेत्र लाल भृकुटी विकराला ॥

Shashi Lalaatta Mukha Mahaavishaalaa |

Netra Laala Bhrkuttii Vikaraalaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Your forehead is shining like the moon and your face is Very big and your eyes are red with a frightening frown.

- 4 -

रूप मातु को अधिक सुहावे ।
दरश करत जन अति सुख पावे ॥

Ruupa Maatru Ko Adhik Suhaave |

Darasha Karata Jana Ati Sukh Paave ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,  Your Look is Enchanting, The very sight of which gives joy to all.

- 5 -

तुम संसार शक्ति लै कीना ।
पालन हेतु अन्न धन दीना ॥

Tum Samsaar Shakti Lai Kiinaa |

Paalan Hetu Anna Dhana Diinaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, In You lie all the Powers of the World a
nd You Nurture the World with Food and Wealth.

 - 6 -

अन्नपूर्णा हुई जग पाला ।
तुम ही आदि सुन्दरी बाला ॥

Annapuurnnaa Huii Jag Paalaa |

Tum Hii Aadi Sundarii Baalaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga You as Mother Annapoorna Nurture the whole World. and You are the Primordial Sundari Bala (form of a young girl of extreme beauty).

- 7 -

प्रलयकाल सब नाशन हारी ।
तुम गौरी शिव शंकर प्यारी ॥

Pralayakaal Sab Naashana Haarii |

Tum Gaurii Shiv Shamkara Pyaarii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You Destroy Everything at the time of Pralaya (the great Dissolution).You are Mother Gouri, the Beloved Consort of Lord Shankara.

- 8 -

शिव योगी तुम्हरे गुण गावें ।
ब्रह्मा विष्णु तुम्हें नित ध्यावें ॥

Shiv Yogii Tumhare Gunn Gaave |

Brahmaa Vissnnu Tumhe Nit Dhyaave ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Your Praises are Sung by Lord Shiva and the

Yogis.And on You Brahma and Vishnu always Meditate.

- 9 -

रुप सरस्वती को तुम धारा ।
दे सुबुद्धि ॠषि मुनिन उबारा ॥

Rup Sarasvatii Ko Tum Dhaaraa |

De Subuddhi Russi Munina Ubaaraa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You Assume the Form of Mother Saraswati a
nd Grant Wisdom to the Sages and thus ensure their Welfare.

- 10 -

धरा रूप नरसिंह को अम्बा ।
प्रकट भई फाडकर खम्बा ॥

Dharaa Ruup Narasimha Ko Ambaa |

Prakatt Bhaii Phaaddakar Khambaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You Assumed the Form of Lord Narasimha a
nd Appeared Breaking the Pillar (to save Prahlada).

- 11 -
रक्षा करि प्रह्लाद बचायो ।
हिरण्याक्ष को स्वर्ग पठायो ॥

Rakssaa Kari Prahlaad Bachaayo |

Hirannyaakssa Ko Svarga Patthaayo ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You Saved Prahlada and Sent Hiranyakashyap to Heaven (as he was killed by You)

- 12 -

लक्ष्मी रूप धरो जग माहीं ।
श्री नारायण अंग समाहीं ॥

Lakssmii Ruup Dharo Jag Maahii |

Shrii Naaraayann Anga Samaahii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You Assumed the Form of Mother Lakshmi, a
nd Repose by the Side of Shree Narayana.

- 13 -

क्षीरसिन्धु में करत विलासा ।
दयासिन्धु दीजै मन आसा ॥

Khsiirasindhu Mei Karata Vilaasaa |

Dayaasindhu Diijai Mana Aasaa ||

I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You Dwell in the Ocean of Milk (with Lord Vishnu),

and You are the Ocean of Compassion; Please Fulfill my Wishes.

- 14 -

हिंगलाज में तुम्हीं भवानी ।
महिमा अमित न जात बखानी ॥

Himgalaaja Mei Tumhii Bhavaanii |

Mahimaa Amit Na Jaata Bakhaanii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You are Mother Bhavani in Hingalaja,
Your Glories are Limitless and cannot be Described.

- 15 -

मातंगी धूमावति माता ।
भुवनेश्वरि बगला सुखदाता ॥

Maatamgii Dhuumaavati Maataa |

Bhuvaneshvari Bagalaa Sukhadaataa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You are Matangi and Dhoomavati Mata, and You as Mother Bhuvaneshwari and Mother Bagalamukhi Bestow Happiness to all.

 - 16 -

श्री भैरव तारा जग तारिणि ।
छिन्न भाल भव दुःख निवारिणि ॥

Shrii Bhairava Taaraa Jag Taarinni |

Chinna Bhaala Bhava Duhkha Nivaarinni ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, You are Mother Bhairavi and Tara Devi, the Redeemer of the World and You as Mother Chhinnamasta, Remove the Sorrows of the World.

- 17 -

केहरि वाहन सोह भवानी ।
लांगुर वीर चलत अगवानी ॥

Kehari Vaahana Soha Bhavaanii |

Laangur Viira Calata Agavaanii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,  You Reposing Gracefully upon the Lion as Mother Bhavani,is welcome by the Brave Hanuman Moving Forward.

- 18 -

कर में खप्पर खड्ग विराजे ।
जाको देख काल डर भागे ॥

Kara Mei Khappar Khaddga Viraaje |

Jaako Dekh Kaala Ddar Bhaage ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You Appear with Skull and Sword in Hands,
Seeing Which even Time Flees in Panic.

- 19 -

सोहे अस्त्र और त्रिशूला ।
जाते उठत शत्रु हिय शुला ॥

Sohe Astra Aur Trishuulaa |

Jaate Utthata Shatru Hiya Shulaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Seeing You, Well-Armed and with Trident in Hand,

The Heart of the Enemies Tremble with Fear.

- 20 -

नगरकोट में तुम्हीं विराजत ।
तिहूं लोक में डंका बाजत ॥

Nagarakott Mei Tumhii Viraajat |

Tihuu Lok Mei Ddankaa Baajat ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga),You Repose in Nagarkot (Kangra) and make the Three Worlds Shudder with the Might of Your Glory.

- 21 -
शुंभ निशुंभ दानव तुम मारे ।
रक्तबीज शंखन संहारे ॥

Shumbha Nishumbha Daanava Tum Maare |

Raktabiija Shamkhana Samhaare ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You Killed the Demons Shumbha and Nishumbha,

and also the Many Rakta Bija Demons.

 - 22 -

महिषासुर नृप अति अभिमानी ।
जेहि अघ भार मही अकुलानी ॥

Mahissaasura Nrpa Ati Abhimaanii |

Jehi Agha Bhaar Mahii Akulaanii ||

Meaning: Mahishasura the King was very Proud and Filled the Earth with the Weight of his Many Sins.

 - 23 -

रूप कराल कालिका धारा ।
सैन्य सहित तुम तिहि संहारा ॥

Ruup Karaala Kaalikaa Dhaaraa |

Sainya Sahit Tum Tihi Samhaaraa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,You Assumed the Ferocious Form of Mother Kali,

and Killed Him (Mahishasura) Along With his Army.

- 24 -

परी गाढं संतन पर जब जब ।
भई सहाय मातु तुम तब तब ॥

Parii Gaaddh Santana Par Jab Jab |

Bhaii Sahaaya Maatu Tum Tab Tab ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Whenever the Saints were in Trouble,
Mother, You came to their Rescue.

- 25 -

अमरपूरी अरू बासव लोका ।
तब महिमा रहें अशोका ॥

Amarapuurii Aruu Baasava Lokaa |

Taba Mahimaa Rahei Ashokaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Amarpuri and other Lokas,Remain Sorrowless because of Your Grace.

 - 26 -

ज्वाला में है ज्योति तुम्हारी ।
तुम्हें सदा पूजें नर नारी ॥

Jvaalaa Mei Hai Jyoti Tumhaarii |

Tumhei Sadaa Puuje Nara Naarii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,Your Light resides in Jwalamukhi. All Men and Women Always Worship You.

- 27 -

प्रेम भक्ति से जो यश गावे ।
दुःख दारिद्र निकट नहिं आवे ॥

Prem Bhakti Se Jo Yash Gaave |

Duhkha Daaridra Nikatta Nahi Aave ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,Whoever Sing your Praises with Love and Devotion,Sorrow and Poverty will Not Come Near him..

- 28 -

ध्यावे तुम्हें जो नर मन लाई ।
जन्म मरण ताको छुटि जाई ॥

Dhyaave Tumhe Jo Nara Mana Laaii |

Janma Marann Taako Chutti Jaaii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Those who Meditate on You Deeply,Will be Freed from the cycles of Birth and Death.

- 29 -

जोगी सुर मुनि कहत पुकारी ।
योग न हो बिन शक्ति तुम्हरी ॥

Jogii Sura Muni Kahata Pukaarii |

Yog Na Ho Bina Shakti Tumharii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,Yogis, Devas and Sages say that,
Without your Power there cannot be Yoga (union with the Divine).

- 30 -

शंकर आचारज तप कीनो ।
काम अरु क्रोध जीति सब लीनो ॥

Shankara Aacaaraj Tapa Kiino |

Kaama Aru Krodha Jiit Sab Liino ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,Shankar Acharya did Penance,And Won over Desire and Anger.

- 31 -
निशिदिन ध्यान धरो शंकर को ।
काहु काल नहीं सुमिरो तुमको ॥

Nishidin Dhyaana Dharo Shankara Ko |

Kaahu Kaala Nahii Sumiro Tumko ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,He Always Meditated on Lord Shiva and Never Thought of You.

- 32 -

शक्ति रूप को मरम न पायो ।
शक्ति गई तब मन पछतायो ॥

Shakti Ruupa Ko Marama Na Paayo |

Shakti Gaii Tab Mana Pachataayo ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, He Did Not Realize the Glory of Shakti,When his Powers Waned, he started Repenting.

- 33 -

शरणागत हुई कीर्ति बखानी ।
जय जय जय जगदंब भवानी ॥

Sharannaagata Huii Kiirti Bakhaanii |

Jaya Jaya Jaya Jagadamba Bhavaanii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,Then he sought Your Refuge and Sung Your Praises,Victory, Victory, Victory to Mother Bhavani, the Mother of the Universe.

- 34 -

भई प्रसन्न आदि जगदम्बा ।
दई शक्ति नहिं कीन विलंबा ॥

Bhaii Prasanna Aadi Jagadambaa |

Daii Shakti Nahi Kiina Vilambaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,This Pleased the Adi Jagadamba (Primeval Mother of the World) and She Gave back his Powers Without Delay.

- 35 -

मोको मातु कष्ट अति घेरो ।
तुम बिन कौन हरै दुःख मेरो ॥

Moko Maatu Kasstta Ati Ghero |

Tum Bin Kaun Harai Duhkha Mero ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, I am Surrounded by Grave Distress, O Mother,

Apart from You, Who can Remove my Sorrows?

- 36 -

आशा तृष्णा निपट सतावें ।
मोह मदादिक सब विनशावें ॥

Aashaa Trssnnaa Nipatta Sataave |

Moha Madaadik Sab Vinashaavem ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Desires and Longings always Torture me, and Passions and Lust Torment me.

 - 37 -

शत्रु नाश कीजै महारानी ।
सुमिरौं इकचित तुम्हें भवानी ॥

Shatru Naasha Kiijai Mahaaraanii |

Sumirau Ikacita Tumhem Bhavaanii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga,O Great Queen, please Destroy my Enemies,
I Meditate on You with One-Pointed Devotion.

- 38 -

करो कृपा हे मातु दयाला ।
ॠद्धि सिद्धि दे करहु निहाला ॥

Karo Krpaa He Maatu Dayaalaa |

Rrddhi Siddhi De Karahu Nihaalaa ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Bestow Your Grace on me, O Kind Mother and Give me (Spiritual) Wealth and Power.

- 39 -

जब लगि जिऊं दया फल पाऊं ।
तुम्हरो यश मैं सदा सुनाऊं ॥

Jab Lagi Jiuum Dayaa Phala Paauum |

Tumharo Yasha Maim Sadaa Sunaauu ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, As Long as I Live, may I be a Recipient of Your Mercy, and let me Always Sing Your Glories to Others.

- 40 -

दुर्गा चालीसा जो नित गावै ।
सब सुख भोग परम पद पावै ॥

Durgaa Caaliisaa Jo Nit Gaavai |

Sab Sukh Bhoga Parama Pada Paavai ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Those who Sing the Durga Chalisa Everyday,

Will get Worldly Prosperity and finally Attain the Supreme Feet of the Mother.


देवीदास शरण निज जानी ।

करहु कृपा जगदम्ब भवानी ॥

Deviidaasa Sharanna Nija Jaanii |

Karahu Krpaa Jagadamba Bhavaanii ||

Meaning: I Salute You, O Mother Durga, Knowing that Devidas has taken your Refuge,

Please Bestow your Grace, O Mother Jagadamba Bhavani.

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