Lord Shiva 108 names

108 names of Lord Shiva

According to Hindu tradition, devotees chant the various names of their personal gods continuously during worship as a mark of devotion. 108 is considered an auspicious number. Hence  Lord Siva is extolled through these 108 names during the puja(Prayer) rituals either by the priests or by the worshipers themselves.

Lord Shiva 108 names with Meaning:

1.OM SHIVAYA NAMAHA: Greetings to the Auspicious One
2. OM MAHESHVARAYA NAMAHA : Greetings to the Great God Shiva
3. OM SHAMBHAVE NAMAHA: Greetings to the God who exists for our happiness alone
4. OM PINAKINE NAMAHA : Greetings to Shiva, who guards the path of dharma
5. OM SHASHISHEKHARAYA NAMAHA:  Greetings to the God who wears the crescent moon in his hair
6. OM VAMADEVAYA NAMAHA : Greetings to the God who is pleasing and auspicious in every way
7. OM VIRUPAKSHAYA NAMAHA:  Greetings to the God of spotless form
8. OM KAPARDINE NAMAHA: Greetings to the Lord with thickly matted hair
9. OM NELALOTHAYA NAMAHA : Greetings to the God splendid as the red sun at daybreak
10. OM SHANKARAYA NAMAHA : Greetings to the source of all prosperity
11. OM SHULAPANAYE NAMAHA: Greetings to the God who carries a spear
12. OM KHATVANGINE NAMAHA :Greetings to the God who carries a knurled club
13. OM VISHNUVALLABHAYA NAMAHA: Greetings to Shiva, who is dear to Lord Vishnu
14. OM SHIPIVISHTAYA NAMAHA: Greetings to the Lord whose form emits great rays of light
15. OM AMBIKANATHAYA NAMAHA: Greetings to Ambika's Lord
16. OM SHRIKANTAYA NAMAHA: Greetings to he whose throat is shining blue
17. OM BHAKTAVATSALAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who loves His devotees like new born calves
18. OM BHAVAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is existence itself
19. OM SARVAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who is all
20. OM TRILOKESHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who is the Lord of all the three worlds
21. OM SHITAKANTHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the primal soul whose throat is deep blue
22. OM SHIVAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the god who is dear to Shakti
23. OM UGRAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva whose presence is awesOMe and overwhelming
24. OM KAPALINE NAMAHA Greetings to the God whose begging bowl is a human skull
25. OM KAMARAYE NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who conquers all passions
26. OM ANDHAKASURA SUDANAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who killed the asura Andhaka
27. OM GANGADHARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who holds the Ganges River in his hair
28. OM LALATAKSHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord whose sport is creation
29. OM KALAKALAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who is the death of death
30. OM KRIPANIDHAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is the treasure of cOMpassion
31. OM BHIMAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva whose strength is awesOMe
32. OM PARASHU HASTAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who wields an axe in his hands
33. OM MRIGAPANAYAE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who looks after the soul in the wilderness
34. OM JATADHARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who bears a mass of matted hair
35. OM KAILASAVASINE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who abides on Mount Kailas
36. OM KAVACHINE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is wrapped in armor
37. OM KATHORAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who causes all growth
38. OM TRIPURANTAKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who destroyed the three demonic cities
39. OM VRISHANKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God whose emblem is a bull (Nandi)
40. OM VRISHABHARUDHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who rides a bull
41. OM BHASMODDHULITA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord covered with holy ash
42. OM SAMAPRIYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God exceedingly fond of hymns frOM the Sama Veda
43. OM SVARAMAYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who creates through sound
44. OM TRAYIMURTAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is worshiped in three forms
45. OM ANISHVARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the undisputed Lord
46. OM SARVAGYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who knows all things
47. OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHA Greetings to the Supreme Self
48. OM SOMASURAGNI LOCHANAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the light of the eyes of SOMa, Surya and Agni
49. OM HAVISHE NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who receives oblations of ghee
50. OM YAGYAMAYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the architect of all sacrificial rites
51. OM SOMAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Moon-glow of the mystic's vision
52. OM PANCHAVAKTRAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God of the five activities
53. OM SADASHIVAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the eternally auspicious benevolent Shiva
54. OM VISHVESHVARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the all-pervading ruler of the cosmos
55. OM VIRABHADRAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva the foremost of heroes
56. OM GANANATHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God of the Ganas
57. OM PRAJAPATAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the Creator
58. OM HIRANYARETASE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who emanates golden souls
59. OM DURDHARSHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the unconquerable being
60. OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the monarch of the holy mountain Kailas
61. OM GIRISHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord of the Himalayas
62. OM ANAGHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who can inspire no fear
63. OM BUJANGABHUSHANAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord adorned with golden snakes
64. OM BHARGAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the foremost of rishis
65. OM GIRIDHANVANE NAMAHA Greetings to the God whose weapon is a mountain
66. OM GIRIPRIYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is fond of mountains
67. OM KRITTIVASASE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who wears clothes of hide
68. OM PURARATAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is thoroughly at hOMe in the wilderness
69. OM BHAGAVATE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord of prosperity
70. OM PRAMATHADHIPAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is served by goblins
71. OM MRITUNJAYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the conqueror of death
72. OM SUKSHMATANAVE NAMAHA Greetings to the subtlest of the subtle
73. OM JAGADVYAPINE NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who fills the whole world
74. OM JAGADGURAVE NAMAHA Greetings to the guru of all the worlds
75. OM VYOMAKESHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God whose hair is the spreading sky above
76. OM MAHASENAJANAKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the origin of Mahasena
77. OM CHARUVIKRAMAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva, the guardian of wandering pilgrims
78. OM RUDRAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is fit to be praised
79. OM BHUTAPATAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the source of living creatures, including the Bhutas,or ghostly creatures
80. OM STHANAVE NAMAHA Greetings to the firm and immovable deity
81. OM AHIRBUDHNYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who waits for the sleeping kundalini
82. OM DIGAMBARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva whose robes is the cosmos
83. OM ASHTAMURTAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who has eight forms
84. OM ANEKATMANE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is the one soul
85. OM SATVIKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord of boundless energy
86. OM SHUDDHA VIGRAHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to him who is free of all doubt and dissension
87. OM SHASHVATAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva, endless and eternal
88. OM KHANDAPARASHAVE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who cuts through the mind's despair
89. OM AJAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the instigator of all that occurs
90. OM PAPAVIMOCHAKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who releases all fetters
91. OM MRIDAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who shows only mercy
92. OM PASHUPATAYE NAMAHA Greetings to the ruler of all evolving souls, the animals
93. OM DEVAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the foremost of devas, demigods
94. OM MAHADEVAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the greatest of the gods
95. OM AVYAYAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the one never subject to change
96. OM HARAYE NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who dissolves all bondage
97. OM PASHUDANTABHIDE NAMAHA Greetings to the one who punished Pushan
98. OM AVYAGRAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who is steady and unwavering
99. OM DAKSHADHVARAHARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the destroyer of Daksha's conceited sacrifice
100. OM HARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who withdraws the cosmos
101. OM BHAGANETRABHIDE NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who taught Bhaga to see more clearly
102. OM AVYAKTAYA NAMAHA Greetings to Shiva who is subtle and unseen
103. OM SAHASRAKSHAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord of limitless forms
104. OM SAHASRAPADE NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is standing and walking everywhere
105. OM APAVARGAPRADAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the Lord who gives and takes all things
106. OM ANANTAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the God who is unending
107. OM TARAKAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the great liberator of mankind
108. OM PARAMESHVARAYA NAMAHA Greetings to the great God

Om namah shivaya......


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